iOS Development
I have recently begun my foray into more complicated software engineering concepts by starting to build an iOS application centered around personal goal management.
First app here on iOS:
Relevant Skills:
Software Engineering
iOS Development
KDE and Histogram lots of each ticker's daily returns
Python code of main program for reference. Also available on GitHub repository
Efficient Frontier & Portfolio Analysis Python Program
With tools and knowledge I learned from the Codecademy courses I took as well as various online research, I created a Python program in PyCharm that will compute and visualize a Markowitz efficient frontier based on 6 user-entered tickers. The data is pulled from Yahoo Finance API via the pandas-datareader library. The corner portfolios closest to the user-entered desired rate of return are also highlighted and selected for the user's reference. The weights, return, and risk of each optimal portfolio are also placed into a .csv file for the user's convenience and reference.
Various statistics and graphical representations of the data are also provided in the program. For example, a Jarque-Bera normality test, daily returns of a select ticker, and the distribution of returns per each entered ticker in the portfolio.
The project has a repository on my GitHub account and will continue to be improved upon what has already been built.
KDE and Histogram lots of each ticker's daily returns
Portfolio Management
Check out the multi-objective behavioral portfolio I created in my Hedge Fund Management Class during my MBA studies. This portfolio was created using WinORS software from the NKD Group
Relevant Skills:
Data Analysis
Artificial Intelligence
Portfolio Management
ESG Investingch ticker's daily returns
Matlab Optimization
Check out my work in MATLAB during my undergraduate Applied Mathematics studies where I created a program to create a nonlinear line of best fit to properly model the law of exponential decay
Relevant Skills:
Data Analysis
MATLAB programming
KDE and Histogram lots of each ticker's daily returns